Solar BOOT (Build,Own, Operate,Transfer) Model

Solar Energy - RESCO or BOOT Model (Build Own Operate Transfer) is about pay as you use from a photovoltaic solar power project. VGO Solar has expertise in RESCO model business for apartment common power and projects would be governed by a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for a period ranging from 15 to 20 years. In the RESCO model, the consumer need not pay any amount upfront, but needs to pay on a per unit price for power. The consumer can sublet his rooftop to a project developer and get monthly rent in the local micro utility model.

VGO Solar sets up solar PV power projects at nil capital investment, utilize consumers' rooftops for fixed term period and consumers enjoy cheap, green, reliable, constant & independent power during the PPA (power purchase agreement) tenure.

What we offer?


Up Front Down payment

Operation, Maintenance, Repair

Plant Insurance coverage

Inverter Replacement

System Monitoring

Warranty Claims

Payback Period

Financial, Technological, Operational, Policy Risks

Immediate Savings


Cost Escalation

Fixed - Long Term

Rs. 0

Rs. 0

Rs. 0

Rs. 0

Rs. 0

VGO Solar will take care

No capital Lock in

No Risk

From day one onwards

25 Years

Fixed Tariff for 25 Years

Fixed - Short Term

Rs. 0

Rs. 0

Rs. 0

Rs. 0

Rs. 0

VGO Solar will take care

No capital Lock in

No Risk

From day one onwards

20 Years

Fixed Tariff for 20 Years

 Escalated - Short Term

Rs. 0

Rs. 0

Rs. 0

Rs. 0

Rs. 0

VGO will take care

No capital Lock in

No Risk

From day one onwards

15 Years

Rs 0.10 Paise Every Year

Buy Solar Power Plant/CAPEX

Depends (Rs. 40000 - Rs.45000 /kW for typical tier- 1 Plant

~ 4% of System Cost

~ 0.35% of System cost

Rs.6000 / kW for tier-1 quality

Additional hardware cost, Human resource to monitor

Customer/ company has to take care

5- 6 years

Customer has to take care

After payback period


